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Agape Freedom Fighters

L.I.F.E. school

Learn to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of exalting Jesus, reconciling the lost, and building His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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year one. deep relationship with jesus.

Year one of L.I.F.E. School will teach you how to cultivate a deep relationship with God the Father, live as children of inheritance who operate in their righteous standing and authority in Jesus Christ, and walk fully in freedom through the Holy Spirit to bear love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

L.I.F.E. School students will learn to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit through miracles, signs, and wonders according to the gifts of the Spirit in order to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ and release the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

*The most recent L.I.F.E. School cohort began on July 8. Apply now to participate in our next cohort of 2024, which begins on September 9.

year two. powerful godly leadership.

Year two of L.I.F.E. School will give you the tools to build and lead healthy, high-functioning apostolic teams united by core values. You will receive unique and practical leadership tools to help you and your team grow personally and collectively, to make disciples who make disciples, and to leave a legacy that reaches far beyond your generation.

Year two is a unique Christian coaching and leadership development experience you can't find anywhere else.

what is L.I.F.E.?



Are you seeking to encounter and live out of the abundance of God’s love on a deeper level? Come learn and experience the depth of God’s love through our curriculum and activations, and discover how you can use the power of love to transform the world around you.



Your identity in Christ Jesus is foundational to living a life of freedom and empowerment. If you’re looking to discover and fully embrace your unique identity as a child of God, L.I.F.E. School will root you in your identity so that you do everything from the overflow of God’s immeasurable love towards you.



Freedom is the true mark of the grace of Jesus Christ. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  It is God’s will to lead you to experience the joy and peace that accompanies the freedom of every believer and equip you to set others free.



Every believer was meant to live the reality of Acts 2.  The power of the Holy Spirit to preach and demonstrate the Gospel of the Kingdom through miracles, signs, and wonders is the inheritance of everyone who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ. Discover and receive this empowerment alongside others in L.I.F.E. School.

Student testimonials

  • “I can definitely say the LIFE School impacted my love for Jesus and the people of the world. Not only was I trained in how to love, forgive, serve, prophesy, and heal, I was able to apply what I learned by praying for thousands of people at a maximum security jail every week. Once we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the works of Jesus, it is time to go give it away to others by making disciples of all nations.”
    Kirk P.
    50, Texas
  • “LIFE school has broken down every barrier that I’ve had against receiving the fullness of Christ over my life and others around me. I did not know before I started LIFE school that I was not walking in the fullness of what God for me. I am no longer a Christian that is sitting on the sidelines. I have been given the opportunity in my normal life to step into the glory God has set before me. I am watching Him encounter people through me by healing the sick, setting the captives free, and awaking the sleeping to all that God has for them! I am so thankful for LIFE school introducing me to all that God has for me!”
    Jenny N.
    37, United States
  • “Through LIFE School, I have received emotional healing, clarity on my calling, and incredible equipping to live a supernatural life. I feel lighter, freer, and empowered!”
    Daniel F.
    28, California
  • “My two years of learning and equipping with LIFE School were powerfully life changing. The Lord used the teachings, books, and activations to bring me into a secure place of identity as His beloved daughter with a mission and a purpose to help bring His kingdom life to those around me. And, LIFE School’s grace filled family atmosphere was life giving - it is one that I want to replicate! I am forever thankful for the work of the Agape team in creating this school.”
    Caroline G.
    64, North Carolina


L.I.F.E. School students learn to live through the lenses of LOVE, IDENTITY, FREEDOM, and EMPOWERMENT. If you're searching for more and yearning to dive deeper into the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus's grace, and the Father's love, L.I.F.E. School is just the place for you. L.I.F.E. School students have access to hundreds of video teachings, ranging from "Religion to Relationship" to "Exponential Multiplication." Through curated reading assignments, lively discussions, and interactive Zoom meetings, students will be equipped and ready to lead the next generation!


the two year program

L.I.F.E. School was designed to be a high-intensity program completed through 5-10 hours of study and lessons per week. Our two year program might be perfect for you if:
  • You are looking for a high-paced, highly-focused ministry program
  • You have the ability to dedicate 10 hours per week to your studies while term is in session
  • You enjoy learning quickly and are passionate about applying what you're learning to your daily life quickly
Regular Pace Term Academic Dates 
9/9/2024 - 12/8/2024


the extended program

We know that the two year, high-intensity L.I.F.E. School program does not work for everyone. That is why we created an extended program. Our extended program might be perfect for you if:
  • You are passionate about learning about God, but you have family, work, or ministry commitments that limit your available time
  • You have the ability to dedicate 3-5 hours per week to your studies while term is in session
Extended Pace Term Academic Dates
7/8/2024 - 12/8/2024 (In Progress)



INVESTMENT into your future

year one

Receive training and activation in identity, physical healing, emotional healing, deliverance, prophecy, and the Father's love. Learn to live a Kingdom lifestyle that integrates these as part of everyday life.

Year One consists of Three Terms.


  • Video teachings from Joanne and the Agape Team
  • Activation exercises for practical training and growth
  • Panel discussions with rich testimonies and "on the job" experience
  • Empowerment to equip others
  • Weekly personalized feedback
  • Online small group community
  • Develop and receive feedback on teaching/preaching
  • Take learning with you on a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone
apply today

year two

Teaching and activation in creating and establishing an apostolic culture, inquiry-based discipleship, and building high-performance, influential Kingdom teams that run as a family on the mission of Jesus.

Year Two consists of Three Terms.


  • Video teachings from Joanne and the Agape Team
  • Various leadership and coaching tools to build high-performing teams
  • Gain practical experience in discipleship
  • Fully develop a ministry training manual for your area of interest/calling in ministry
  • Develop the core values that unite your team and build a culture of empowerment
  • Panel discussions with rich testimonies and "on the job" experience
  • Weekly personalized feedback on your personal development
  • Take learning with you on a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone
  • Online small group community
  • **Completion of Year One required for admission to Year Two
apply today


What is the L.I.F.E. School?

L.I.F.E. School is an online school focused on equipping believers to advance the Kingdom of Heaven through the power of the Holy Spirit. We desire to see Jesus exalted, to see the nations come into knowledge of him, and to see followers of Jesus living a supernatural lifestyle that testifies to his kingship and authority. We focus on Identity, the Love of the Father, Prophecy, Physical Healing, Emotional Healing, Deliverance, Kingdom Lifestyle and Empowerment.

We also have a leadership track in development. More details to come.

How is L.I.F.E. School structured?

L.I.F.E. School is all online (for now!) and is a two year program. Students are welcome to go through only Year 1 if they wish, but we encourage all students to go through both years.

Year 1 and 2 each have three “Terms” that run in Winter, Spring, and Fall. Each term is about 12 weeks long with a mid-term break in the middle.

We also offer an “extended pace,” which allows students to go through the content over a longer period of time. This is great for people with especially busy schedules.

The curriculum consists of:

  • Weekly video teachings by Joanne Moody, Kathi Frye, a couple other established Agape Freedom Fighters team members, and other prestigious and experienced ministers.
  • Weekly reading assignments
  • Weekly community engagement and discussion
  • Weekly homework assignments
  • Teaching development assignment (Year 1, Term 3)
  • Final papers (Terms 1 and 2 Only)
  • Ministry Training Manual Development (Year 1 Term 3 through end of Year 2)
What is the difference between the two year program (Level 1) and the extended program (Level 1A)?

The two year program and extended program both feature the same content, but each term of Level 1 is 12 weeks, and Level 1A is 22 weeks. 

Level 1 features 10 units of content that are each spread out over the course of one week, giving the student one week to complete the videos, assigned reading, and homework. There is a 1-week mid-term break after week 5. These 11 weeks are followed by a 12th week where students complete a final paper. We estimate this to take roughly 10-12 hours per week.

Level 1A features the same 10 units of content, but each unit is spread out over two weeks in order to give the student more time to complete it. It is designed for people that are especially busy and/or need more flexibility in their schedule. We estimate it will take roughly 5-10 hours per week.

How much does L.I.F.E. School cost?

Year 1 consists of three terms, and each term costs $799, for a total of $2,397 for all of Year 1.

The cost of books is not included in this number. 

Year 2 consists of three terms, and each term costs $899. It is slightly more than Year 1 because the curriculum is more robust and contains highly valuable leadership and coaching tools and development.

What are the application requirements?

In addition to the questions in the application, we require students to submit both pastoral and personal references.